Wednesday, December 25, 2019

college athletes Essay - 1175 Words

Pay To Play: Should College Athletes Be Paid? Does it make sense for an academic institution to run a multimillion dollar entertainment business, which is what college football and college basketball have become? Does it make sense for these institutions to pay the student-athletes who participate in these football and basketball programs? The reality is that college sports programs, namely the quot;big namequot; programs such as football and basketball programs at marquee schools, are businesses that stand to make a large amount of money for their respective schools. According to an article in the Harvard Journal on Legislation, quot;[i]n the past twelve years, the amount of money generated by these two sports has increased†¦show more content†¦The argument is that if student-athletes get paid, they will remain in school and complete their education. But, is money such a big problem for these student-athletes? Dont they receive scholarships? How much more money do they need? The truth is that quot;fullquot; scholarships do not always entirely cover tuition and cost of living. However, these students can still do what a majority of students do, which is to get loans. Still, some of these student-athletes do not qualify for such loans, so there is still a gap between the money they get and the total cost of attendance. This gap,coupled with the fact that football and basketball players help generate so much revenue, has caused some intercollegiate teams to provide their athletes with extra compensation, which is in direct violation of NCAA bylaws. 41 Harv. J. on Legis. 319. Perhaps creating a method of payment above and beyond scholarships would help to decrease the amount of corruption, and quot;under the tablequot; activities of some of these nationally recognized sports programs. But creating such a system may also lead to other problems. Developing such an economy in college football and basketball would result in a monetary race to buy the best athletes in the country. This would lead to a significant gap inShow MoreRelatedCollege Athletes Should Be Paid1617 Words   |  7 Pageswait for march to come around just for college basketball. Trying to make the perfect bracket to win some money against their friends, and of course the right to gloat about having a bracket. During march you can’t watch one television show without seeing a commercial with a college basketball player on it. Everyone playing as well as everyone watching is filled with excitement and anticipation to see who will be crowned the next national champion. College athletes are some of the hardest working peopleRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid? Essay1225 Words   |  5 Pagesin collegiate sports; should college athletes be paid. For decades now school administers, alumni, boosters, and student athletes have been torn between the two sides, and I, for one, am in agreement with the idea of student athletes be compensated financially for all their time and dedication to their respectable sport. As you can imagine, there are many who oppose the idea, but as I stated in my previous essay there are great benefits for allowing student-athletes to be compensated. However, thisRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?2138 Words   |  9 Pagesbeen produced the past couple of years debating whether college student-athletes should be paid. I specifically chose this topic because it pertains to me, and I can relate to both sides of the argument. Being a student-athlete at St. Lawrence University, I can attest to how much time athletes put into their spor t and all the hard-work put in on a daily basis. On one hand, I see how the student-athlete deems him/herself as a full-time athlete and spend more time practicing and working out for theirRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1397 Words   |  6 Pagessports, is whether or not college athletes should be paid. When referring to college athletes the main focus is on basketball and football athletes. The sports of both basketball and football in the NCAA generate the most revenue amongst all other college sports. The combined profit of these two sports go through a trickling down process, in which the income is distributed amongst the other sports teams of the university. The ideal thing to expect is to pay all college athletes, the reality is that onlyRead MoreCollege Athlete Compensation : College Athletes2251 Words   |  10 PagesCollege Athlete Compensation When the topic of college comes up, many things come to mind. Those are the glory days for most of us. The college parties, the struggle to find a balance between having fun and maintaining a good GPA, and not to mention the amazing athletic departments that colleges offer. Everyone enjoys sports but does anyone ever stop to wonder how much goes into the preparation for those games? There’s much more effort that’s put into it other than just showing up for practice.Read MoreCollege Athlete Compensation : College Athletes2260 Words   |  10 PagesCOLLEGE ATHLETE COMPENSATION When the topic of college comes up, many things come to mind. Those are the glory days for most of us. The college parties, the struggle to find a balance between having fun and maintaining a good GPA, and not to mention the amazing athletic departments that colleges offer. Everyone enjoys sports but does anyone ever stop to wonder how much goes into preparing for those games? There’s very much work that goes in the preparation of a student athlete other than just showingRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1499 Words   |  6 PagesStudent athletes commonly go to school for one reason: their love for the sport they participate in. These student athletes get scholarships from large Division 1 schools, which means things such as schooling, board, and food will be paid for by the school so the student athletes do not have to pay for these benefits themselves (Patterson). If college athletes are to be paid, it will cause unfair compensation between players who are valued or played more than others. When student athletes are rewardedRead MoreCollege Athletes Should Not Be Paid1021 Words   |  5 Pagesof collegiate student-athletes participate in a variety of different sports, and currently they do not receive paychecks for their performances. College athletics have attained an extensive popularity increase among Americans over the past few decades. The result - increased revenues for the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA); therefore, the participating colleges are fueling the debate of whether or not college athletes should collect an income. College athletes should not be paid toRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?849 Words   |  4 Pages It is no surprise that college athletics is on the rise, it has worked it’s way into becoming one of the biggest businesses in America today. With ticket sales, television contracts, and merchandising colleges generate millions of dollars every year. College athletics has such an emotiona l attachment that goes beyond just the students who attend the school. With the NCAA making so much money from these athletes there has been intense debating on whether college athletes should be compensated beyondRead MoreYoung College Athletes730 Words   |  3 Pagesof becoming a college athlete and going down in history. With the many controversies in athletics today it is getting harder to fulfill this dream. One of the main controversies is college athletes becoming employees of the college. There are many reasons why athletes should not be employees. College athletes should not be considered employees of the college it will send a bad message to younger generations, cause contract disagreements and lastly it would make the cost of colleges much high than

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